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Printing on a wide range of substrates, the Domino K600i combines productivity with 600dpi print quality. The K600i when configured to the print width required, can be integrated into existing web or sheet handling system for digital imprinting or can be in the format of a monochrome digital press. The K600i can print high quality digital variable data, alpha-numeric text, a range of barcodes and 2D codes including the QR code as well as graphics, up to speeds of 200m/min. There are also options for a high opacity white ink as a cost-effective alternative to screen printing, suitable for a wide range of labels and packaging applications. The K600i also has the innovative capability of enabling conventional metallic foils to be digitally applied to labels, packaging and security products. The piezo ink jet technology is available with both UV curable and aqueous inks for a wide range of substrates.
Print widths range from a single print module, producing an image area of 108mm (4.25”) to up to seven dual print modules covering 782mm (30.81”).
Applications include printing onto labels, mail pieces, tags, tickets, forms and security products.
Drift med hastigheter upp till 200m / min
Bläckstråletryck på en mängd bestrukna och obestrukna underlag
Alternativ inkluderar en rullsektion eller en komplett webbförlängningssektion, vilket möjliggör enkel integrering i en befintlig maskin
Underhållsfri med enkelt patronbyte
Få slitdelar, med bläck och spolningsavgifter baserade på den mängd som används
Den revolutionerande automatiserade skrivhuvudsrengöringen och kapslingstekniken i-Tech CleanCap innebär att K600i nästan underhåller sig själv
Det innovativa bläckcirkulationssystemet ger konsekvent utskriftsfärg och överlägsen tillförlitlighet
Revolutionerande automatiserad rengöring av skrivhuvud och kapslingsstation upprätthåller konstant prestanda på utskriftsmunstycket
"The challenge today, with business and technology changing so fast, is to determine which investments are right. The Domino offers us so many different avenues that we haven’t been able to go into before.”
Jillian Flesh, Executive Vice President, Flesh Co.